Crunch Time!

My student is presenting her arangetram, her debut as as a Bharatanatyam dancer. We have worked really hard. And we have done it as a team. We went through many hurdles and the day is approaching! I am confident that she will rock the stage. I am so proud of her. I hope I'm not jinxing her performance. :-) But really, the past 4 weeks I have put her through the wringer. And she has been a trooper.

All this arangetram prep takes me back to my arangetram. A very long time ago. What could possibly go wrong? Oh... just a sprained ankle two weeks before the show. I don't remember panicking or stressing out. I do remember my mother going crazy. The day of the show my mom was the last person to get to the auditorium. She had spent the morning prepping the stage with her friends. I am so grateful because the stage was stunning. But in the end the show went off beautifully. I, however do not remember a thing. I don't remember how it felt to be on stage. I don't remember any of the choreography. It's all a blur. It is so true. The adrenaline kicks in and it's go time.

I see so much if myself in my student. She has beautiful expressions and she does the tragedy and loss the best. That is exactly how I am. She has adopted my style of dance and executed it beautifully. I am so honored to be her teacher. I hope that for her, it is an amazing experience and that we look back on the day and smile. Because we worked our tails off! Cheers to the last week of rehearsals and to the show. Cuz we are gonna sleep for a week after!