Yes Universe, I hear you! I am dancing!!

I have been terrible about keeping up with this blog. The past year has been a whirlwind. Mostly I have shied away from writing because it scared me. I am overcoming that fear. And keeping up with this blog is a way of doing that. The past year, I have spent time in India, training and performing. I have attended an incredible master's program in Chicago that I am so thankful for. It really opened my eyes and boosted my confidence as an artist. Part of my practice as an artist will be contributing to this blog. I have lots to say and hopefully there are people out there who are interested. The universe works in magical ways. I never used to think this before. But now, after the past year's events have unfolded, I have become a firm believer in, if you want things to happen, go after it. The universe follows suit. The universe has been yelling at me since March of 2013. I have made the best decisions of my life. And I couldn't be happier. Most importantly I am dancing. All the time. Dance has and always will be part of my life. It has not disappointed me. And there has been plenty of disappointment. Dance has been the one thing in life that I have gone after with full force and passion and with that I am feeling bliss. I cannot ask for more. Be on the look out. There is more to come.